G.A.C. Group
Global Approach Consulting, in short G.A.C. Group, is an international innovation consultancy firm supporting its clients and partners by following the slogan Innovation & Performance for Impact. Established in 2002, G.A.C. employs 200+ specialists spread across its headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux / France and several offices in France, Germany, Romania, Brazil, Canada, and Singapore.
G.A.C. provides expertise in the area of innovation, internationalisation, coordination and animation of collaborative networks and platforms, financial performance & human resource performance, and delivers economic studies including innovation strategies, territorial innovation development, evaluation and impact assessment. The G.A.C. “public sector” team is based in the Sophia-Antipolis office and has been traditionally focused on European collaborative research and innovation projects and especially boosting the stakeholder engagement across industries and thematics, in order to support the value creation and exploitation of research and innovation results with positive impact on both the environment and society.
G.A.C. specialists provide a 360° support to innovation projects and stakeholders across the whole value chain, from ideation to commercialisation, from IP advice to project management, R&D public funding and new market access, from internationalisation strategy development to innovation marketing. The team gathers of consultants and thematic experts specialised in various industries and sectors and and with in-depth insights and knowledge on specific industry and societal challenges and which closely follow disruptive and Incremental technological developments. Besides being specialists for diverse types of analyses and methodologies, the team has expertise in impact maximisation, stakeholder engagement, different kinds of co-creation methods, capacity building and mutual learning activities, as well as impact evaluation techniques.
Role in PROTECT:
G.A.C. coordinates the PROTECT project, thanks to its team members with over 35 years of experience in EU-level cooperation and projects and proven experience supporting the implementation of efficient Public Procurement policies and processes. Levering its capacities in co-creation, communication, dissemination, exploitation and business modelling approaches through feedback from stakeholders of the quadruple helix the 27 European Member States, G.A.C. also coordinates all project activities aimed at ensuring PROTECT’s impact is maximised.
Aerospace Valley
Aerospace Valley is the leading European competitiveness cluster in the aerospace sector in South-West of France. With its diverse ecosystem of leading groups, start-ups, SMEs, research laboratories, public actors, and training organisations, Aerospace Valley is the only community in the world that brings together all the actors in the value chain from all segments of the aeronautics and space sector. AV is contributing to the development and competitiveness of its members (more than 800) through innovation by promoting collaborative research and development projects. Our actions are mainly focusing on supporting emergence of services, creation and development of space-related start-ups, fostering the development of our members through access to new markets (topics and export).
As a Copernicus Relay, Aerospace Valley is involved in a broad range of European and national initiatives to support the development and uptake of innovative geospatial services based on EO. As a network leader, Aerospace Valley aims to “evangelise” end-users about the benefits of EO based services, to better understand the demand and bring geospatial services providers closer to potential clients.
Corvers Procurement Services BV
Corvers Procurement Services is a leading legal and economic consultancy firm specialized in European public procurement law, innovation procurement, IPR, ICT and contracting. With over 20 years of experience – Corvers acts as advisor and external legal expert (on national as well as European level). Corvers provides advice and guidance regarding public procurement strategies and methodologies to public procurers around Europe and conducts research specifically in relation to innovation and sustainability.
Expertise areas include pre-commercial procurement (PCP), public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI), ICT infrastructure, public-private partnerships (PPP), sustainable construction (public buildings, social housing, road infrastructure), public utilities (e.g. water) and R&D projects.
Since 2015 Corvers is contractor for the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement-initiative (EAFIP) – a contract awarded by the European Commission (DG Connect) to promote innovation procurement and provide training and local assistance to public procurers and policy makers interested to implement innovation procurements (PCP and PPI) of ICT based solutions across the EU Member States. Within this context Corvers published a Toolkit on Innovation Procurement, developed the EAFIP-methodology for Innovation Procurement and provided technical assistance in innovation procurement to over 23 procurement organisations across Europe.
Role within PROTECT
In the context of PROTECT, Corvers brings its vast knowledge of and experience in EU public procurement. Corvers will support with regard to the identification of needs as well as the marketing intelligence, publications, awareness & capacity building.
Corvers will lead PROTECT´s WP3, which comprises the most technical tasks related to public procurement. This work package comprises finetuning the procurers’ needs, supporting the State-of-the-Art analysis (SOTA), organising the Open Market Consultations (OMC’s), defining the procurement strategy, and preparing the tendering documents.
Corvers also assist in the community building and impact maximalisation actions.
City of Haarlem
The City of Haarlem together with the citizens and other stakeholders work on the challenges, such as the climate adaptation, circular economy, energy transition, safe and sustainable neighborhoods, social, healthy and inclusive city. The City of Haarlem is a beautiful historical city situated in the West of the Netherlands. City of Haarlem is a frontrunner on sustainability, circular procurement and social responsibility.
In the role as coordinating city of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement, the City of Haarlem is going to disseminate gained knowledge of PROTECT within European network, promote market consultations with regards to climate adaptation and sustainability. The City of Haarlem is a frontrunner on circular procurement and lead partner in Metropolis Region of Amsterdam on climate adaptation. The Urban Agenda Partnership has experience with developing training courses, organising conferences and events.
Climate Alliance
Climate Alliance is a non-profit association founded in 1990. With nearly 2,000 members spread across more than 25 European countries, Climate Alliance is Europe’s largest city network dedicated to comprehensive and equitable climate action. Climate Alliance has a staff of around 50 people from 13 countries covering 15 languages. 35 officers provide thematic expertise in the fields of local climate strategies. Besides the European Secretariat in Frankfurt and the EU office in Brussels, Climate Alliance has Coordination offices to help support members in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg and Hungary. The City network has built up expertise across all thematic fields of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate Alliance led EU-wide Initiatives like the Sustainable Investment Forums (EASME 2016-2019) and the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat (DG ENER 2018-2020), is leading the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (DG ENER 2021-2023) and is engaged in the Covenant of Mayors Office since the beginning (2008).
CA interest in Protect
As climate change is becoming more and more reality in Europe procurers facing challenges related to climate friendly services and products. Developments of new solutions to satisfy the according needs are necessary.
Already in June 2003 in Berlin Climate Alliance members voted for a Resolution on green procurement in the energy sector supporting combined heat and power, innovative energy services based on renewable energy sources or cogeneration and the purchase of efficient household appliances. A resolution on 100% green, social and fair public procurement was adopted at the General Assembly on 23 April 2009 in Brussels.
In the last 20 years Climate Alliance worked on several pro to promote sustainable procurement for climate change mitigation and adaptation like:
- Forest21- Procurement of certified tropical timber
- Buy Smart+ – Green tendering criteria for energy efficient products and services, considering LCC
- ProcA – Guidlines to Sustainable Procurement in Climate Change Plans
- proEE – Joint tendering procedures (JPP)
- CASCO – Procurement of local products
- A CO2 Pricing model for municipalities
- EXPRESS – Procurement of renewable energies
Climate KIC
EIT Climate-KIC is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate-resilient society.
Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, we identify and support innovation that helps society mitigate and adapt to climate change. We believe that a decarbonised, sustainable economy is not only necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change, but presents a wealth of opportunities for business and society.
We bring together partners in the worlds of business, academia, and the public and non-profit sectors to create networks of expertise, through which innovative products, services and systems can be developed, brought to market and scaled-up for impact.
EIT Climate-KIC’s expertise in the field of climate services and systemic innovation, and previous and present interactions with climate services procurers create optimal conditions to effectively build connections and maximise impact. In addition, the EIT Climate-KIC’s Space and Earth Observation team has a solid track record in projects where EO technologies are applied to address societal challenges.
Vtrek is an economic consultancy firm offering expert services to help contracting authorities across Europe to buy innovation.
With advice, analysis and developed methodologies Vtrek assists project managers and procurers in designing and conducting (innovation) procurement projects. Vtrek’ s services may involve State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) analysis, developing business cases, value calculations and procurement scenarios enabling well-founded decisions along the (innovation) procurement process.
Taking a systems perspective, Vtrek identifies opportunities to create or enhance value along the procurement life cycle, determine the best ways to accomplish this, and provide recommendations for implementation. Vtrek’ s approach is outcome-driven, where cost savings and service efficiency translate to intensified market impacts in innovation and sustainability. Areas of specialization are high technology and ICT – from Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP), to the Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI), and innovation partnerships as well as green and social public procurement.
Vtrek – together with sister company Corvers Procurement Services – co-developed and piloted the business case methodology for innovation procurement first presented under the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP) project and is still active in several EAFIP assisted projects.
Role within PROTECT
Within the PROTECT project VTREK will perform a State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) analysis to detect the existing technologies that may tackle the identified procurement challenges. VTREK will perform an analysis of the Intellectual Property Rights (using the IP Intelligent tool IPlytics) featuring the technologies that have been identified in the needs assessment and identification phase. Vtrek will develop a business case and perform value calculations.
Furthermore Vtrek will support in the Open Market Consultations, selection of the best procurement strategy and preparation of tendering documents. Vtrek will also be involved in the planned training webinars to increase the knowledge and skills on innovation procurement.
EURADA, the European Association of Development Agencies, is a network of 68 Regional Development Agencies from 23 countries and as such connects regional development and innovation experts from Europe and beyond to disperse their activities, achievements and best practices. We also promote the exchange of experiences between our members and the recognition of development agencies as specific mechanisms and entities of regional economic development.
EURADA is itself a network of procurers – of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) – that have a high interest in the pre-commercial procurement prepared by PROTECT as it will help their regions to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
RDAs carry out an economic development mission that is characterised by the search of the collective or overall interest of an area (and which is therefore not corporative or sectorial) and are significantly linked to a local, municipal, or regional authority with respect to management, financing or missions.
ISEM Institute
ISEM – International Security and Emergency Management Institute is a non-profit organisation providing publicly beneficial services. ISEMI is a professional platform of former or active police and national security officers, military, civil protection and crisis management experts from around the world with necessary security clearance and relevant long-term experience in crime prevention, counter-terrorism and CBRN-E threats in the fight against organised crime, environmental crime, trafficking in human beings, cybercrime, drugs and weapons smuggling. Our team also has a broad experience in intelligence analysis, defence policy, border protection, critical infrastructure protection, countering hybrid threats, rescue and emergency assistance, health protection, and justice and prosecution.
ISEM – International Security and Emergency Management Institute will mobilise stakeholders and procurers in the security sector to take concrete and sustainable actions towards the urgent need to effectively address their escalating climate change issues. Through this, we will build and engage a community of procurers in the security sectors and enhance their knowledge and skills. Furthermore, ISEM will participate through its experts in analysing the legal frameworks focusing on the member states in central and eastern Europe.
Geco Sistema
GECOsistema is a specialist company providing advanced engineering cloud-web, data-science and modeling studies and services in the field of environmental, climate risk and geospatial intelligence.
We combine advanced data science and machine learning, environmental modelling, GIS and Geospatial Analysis tools, remote sensing, predictive analytics, to give you the critical insight you need into environmental, climate and geospatial issues.
In the framework of EU-HORIZON PROTECT project, GECOsistema will provide technical support in designing climate service public procurements.

Advisory Board

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Pellentesque vel dolor vitae lorem ultrices pulvinar. Sed vehicula ut mi quis pulvinar. Etiam nec ornare est. Phasellus accumsan luctus iaculis. Nulla sed luctus nisl, vehicula.

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Pellentesque vel dolor vitae lorem ultrices pulvinar. Sed vehicula ut mi quis pulvinar. Etiam nec ornare est. Phasellus accumsan luctus iaculis. Nulla sed luctus nisl, vehicula.